Welcome to The Body Coach Foundation
This has been a dream of mine for a long time.
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On 23rd March 2020, I stood in my living room and pressed 'GO LIVE' on YouTube. It was the first ever workout for PE With Joe at the start of the UK's first national lockdown.
On that very first day, I thought that PE With Joe might last for maybe 2 or 3 weeks at most. I had no idea that we were starting such an incredible journey together. Fast-forward almost exactly 1 year, and here we are in March 2021.
With schools now returning, it's time to say goodbye to PE With Joe for now. And this is my message to you to say THANK YOU!
In one year since we began, we've completed 115 workouts and PE With Joe has had over 100 million views. At its peak, more than 955,000 people were exercising together at the same time, and we broke the world record for the worlds largest ever live streamed workout. We've got fitter, stronger and healthier, and we've raised over £610,000 for the NHS and Children In Need.
Thank you for turning up each morning.
Thank you for jumping, dancing, squatting, laughing and being a silly billy with me.
Thank you for all the high fives and thank you for your patience when things didn’t always go to plan.
Thank you for all your messages and motivation.
And thank you for forgiving me for that off-camera incident.
PE With Joe has been the proudest thing I've ever done. And it wouldn't have happened without you.
And as you head back to school and as life slowly begins to go back to normal, I hope you remember these few things:
"Exercises makes us feel good. It gives us energy. It makes us happier and more energised. When you’re feeling tired, low or a bit stressed, exercise will lift you up, boost your mood and make you feel better."
"Never let rip off-camera. You never can be sure if you've gone live or not."
And lastly, my motto in life is simple. "Work hard, have fun and be nice."
Thank you for being with me on this journey. I'll see you all soon.
Love Joe x